Awareness Days 2023 - Will Blogging Help My Business? …
The short answer is, ABSOLUTELY!!!
In case you didn't know, the quickest way to Google's heart, is through your website's content and blogging on your website is always a great way to keep Google coming back for more!
The more content that's on your website, the more Google feeds from it, the only thing to remember, is to keep it relevant to your business and Google won't be able to resist it 😀
You see, you need to think of Google as a hungry little robot, which crawls through your website, looking for crumbs of information to feed from and share to his hungry pals, if Google keeps coming back and there's nothing new to feed from, then Google may stop coming back so frequently and find it's food from somewhere else.
If Google starves from your site, the naughty little robots won't like it and throw a massive, hangry tantrum and kick your butt down the rankings 😟 but, if these little robots are feasting on your site, they will return again and again for more, they'll love it so much, that they'll push your website higher and higher so everyone can get a piece of the cake! 😀
Obviously, there's lots of SEO tactics that should be implemented to any website in order for it to be successful, but blogging is something you can do easily yourself and will help massively.
What Can I Blog About? - We Hear You Say!
For those of you who don't know where to start, every month, we are releasing a handful of awareness days to give you some inspiration on what to write about, but as I said, make sure the topics you choose are related to the service you supply and slip in the odd one that you're extremely passionate about 😀
And here's the best bit, if you're interested in blogging on your website, but you're stuck for time, give us a shout as we can do it for you and no-one would even know! 😜
Awareness Days 2023
March 2023
1st - St David's Day
1st - Peanut Butter Lover’s Day
2nd - World Book Day
27th Feb - 5th - Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
1st - 31st - Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
6th - 12th - British Pie Week
5th - Namesakes Day
8th - International Women's Day
8th - National No Smoking Day
9th - University Mental Health Day
19th - Mother's Day
14th - Pi Day
17th - St Patrick's Day
17th - Red Nose Day / Comic Relief
17th - World Sleep Day
20th - Spring Equinox / First Day of Spring
21st - International Day of Forests
21st - World Poetry Day
22nd - World Water Day
31st - Wear a Hat Day
27th-2nd Apr - World Autism Week
April 2023
1st - April Fools Day
1st - International Pillow Fight Day
2nd - Autism Awareness Day
2nd - Children's Book Day
7th - Good Friday
9th - Easter Sunday
4th - Vitamin C Day
7th No Housework Day
10th - National Siblings Day
10th - Golfers Day
11th - National Pet Day
16th - World Voice Day
22nd - International Mother Earth Day
23rd - Saint George's Day
23rd - Talk like Shakespeare Day
24th - 30th - MS Awareness Week
25th - Financial Independence Awareness Day
25th - World Penguin Day
27th - Tell a Story Day
28th - Superhero Day
29th - International Dance Day
May 2023
1st - 7th - Sun Screen Week
2nd - 8th - Deaf Awareness Week
2nd - World Asthma Day
3rd - Garden Meditation Day
4th - Star Wars Day
6th - No Diet Day
7th - International Dawn Chorus Day
9th - Lost Sock Memorial Day
11th - World Ego Awareness Day
12th - Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
13th - Top Gun Day
15th - Bring Flowers to Someone Day
15th - 21st - Mental Health Awareness Week
20th - International Day of Happiness
24th - 30th - Epilepsy Awareness Week
20th - World Bee Day
20th - 28th - National Doughnut Week
25th - Tap Dance Day
June 2023
1st-30th – Tourettes Awareness Month
3rd - World Bicycle Day
4th - Hug Your Cat Day
5th - Sausage Roll Day
8th - Best Friends Day
12th - Superman Day
12th - 18th – Men’s Health Week
14th - World Blood Doner Day
17th - Eat Your Vegetables Day
18th – Autistic Pride Day
18th - International Picnic Day
18th - Father’s Day
21st – MND Awareness Day
21st - World Music Day
23rd - Let it Go Day
23rd - 29th – Diabetes Awareness Week
27th - Pineapple Day
30th - Social Media Day
July 2023
1st-31st – Disability Pride Month
2nd- World UFO Day
4th - Independence from Meat Day
6th - International Kissing Day
10th - Teddy Bear Picnic Day
10th - Pina Colada Day
14th - Shark Awareness Day
16th - Guinea Pig Appreciation Day
17th - World Emoji Day
20th International Chess Day
21st - Junk Food Day
25th - Wine & Cheese Day
26th - Aunt & Uncle Day
27th - Walk on Stilts Day
25th - National Schizophrenia Awareness Day
29th - International Tiger Day
30th - Friendship Day
August 2023
4th - White Wine Day
4th - Owl Awareness Day
4th - Cycle to Work Day
5th - Blogger Day
7th - Sea Serpent Day
8th - International Cat Day
8th - Infinity Day
10th - Lazy Day
11th - Son & Daughter Day
12th - Vinyl Record Day
15th - Relaxation Day
16th - Rollercoaster Day
18th - Never Give Up Day
25th - Kiss and Make up Day
26th - Dog Day
28th - Bow Tie Day
31st - Overdose Awareness Day
September 2023
1st-30th – Blood Cancer Awareness Month
1st - Tofu Day
3rd - Welsh Rarebit Day
5th - World Samosa Day
6th - Read a Book Day
7th - Beer Lovers Day
8th - Star Trek Day
10th - World Suicide Prevention Day
12th - Video Games Day
14th - Cream Filled Doughnut Day
18th - First Love Day
19th-25th – National Eye Health Week
19th - Talk Like a Pirate Day
21st - World Alzheimer’s Day
21st - Fitness Day
22nd - World Car-Free Day
29th - World Heart Day
October 2023
1st-31st – ADHD Awareness Month
1st–31st – Breast Cancer Awareness Month
1st–31st – Black History Month
1st - International Coffee Day
4th - World Animal Day
4th - Vodka Day
5th - World Teacher’s Day
5th – National Poetry Day
7th - Frappe Day
7th - Bathtub Day
7th-14th – National Work Life Week
13th - Train Your Brain Day
21st – ‘Wear it Pink’ Breast Cancer Awareness
14th - Dessert Day
17th – Black Cat Day
19th - International Gin & Tonic Day
27th – National Cheese Toastie Day
November 2023
20th Oct - 3rd – International Stress Awareness Week
1st-30th – Veg Pledge Month
1st-30th – Men’s Health Awareness Month
1st-30th – COPD Awareness Month
1st-30th – National Career Development Month
1st – World Vegan Day
3rd – National Sandwich Day
9th - World Freedom Day
13th - World Kindness Day
13th - 17th - Anti-Bullying Week
17th - Unfriend Day
16th Nov - 16th Dec – Disability Awareness Month
19th - International Men’s Day
21st - World Television Day
28th - French Toast Day
30th - Computer Security Day
December 2023
1st - World AIDS Day
1st - 2nd - Tree Dressing Day
2nd - Small Business Saturday
3rd - International Day of Persons with Disability
4th - Cheetah Day
5th - 11th - Illumination Street Week
8th - Christmas Jumper Day
8th - Bodhi Day
10th - Human Rights Day
11th - International Mountain Day
16th - Jane Austen Day
11th - Postal Workers Day
13th - National Hot Chocolate Day
20th - Festival Of Winter Walks
21st - National Robin Day
21st - Winter Solstice
26th - 1st Jan - Kwanzza